Academia Taking Action: Creating Change Collectively

Feb February


February 10, 2023 at 3:00pm - 6pm Mountain Time


Rachel Stark ·

The Activists Series. What are you passionate about? Maybe its workplace culture, climate change, inflation, housing, mental health, women’s rights… you get it, there are a lot of things that need changing. How do we go about change? What are the steps of organizing a successful campaign?

This 5-part series will teach you about creating a campaign. What are the steps, and how to accomplish spreading your message to those around you and get them to TAKE ACTION! Loss of salary will be paid to attendees who are Academically Employed Graduate Students.

Dates and times for each module are as follows:

Module 1: Friday Feb 10 – 3 – 6 pm MST

Module 2: Friday Feb 24 – 3 – 6 pm MST

Module 3: Wednesday March 8 – 3 – 6 pm MST

Module 4: Friday March 24 – 3 – 6 pm MST

Module 5: Wednesday April 5 – 3 – 6 pm MST


Registering for this event registers you for all modules, attendance at each one is not mandatory or required to attend the next module, however, it is encouraged. You will receive a calendar invite to the email you registered with for each module so you do not miss an event!


If you have any questions please contact Rachel Stark – [email protected]

Will you come?