University of Lethbridge Graduate Workers - Bargaining Update #1
Grad Student Bargaining Team Holds Transitionary Caucus
This is the first of many updates that the bargaining team for Graduate Student Employees at the University of Lethbridge will be providing members in the coming weeks and months. Your team is committed to keeping you informed about what is happening with bargaining as we try to advance your interests and improve your working conditions at the University.
As many of you will know, the union representing Grad Student Employees signed a servicing agreement with the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) in late June. As a result, the PSAC will now be providing bargaining support, among other things, to the union.
Chaired for the first time by PSAC negotiator John Eustace, the bargaining team met for a daylong transitionary caucus on August 16. This was the first caucus for two new members of the team, Luke Saville and Tyler Stewart. Continuing team member Jackson Ham, and former team member Rachel Stark (now the PSAC representative supporting the unit), were also on hand to provide their insights on the bargaining round to date.
The team began the day by discussing the legal process of collective bargaining, as well as the roles and responsibilities of team members in that process. We then reviewed the results of member surveys, discussed the bargaining history, and developed a plan for advancing the union’s demands. The team expects to caucus again to finalize a package of non-monetary proposals before meeting with the Employer.
Once we have established bargaining dates with the Employer, we will inform the membership. Please look out for more bargaining updates as things progress.
We thank you for your support. You are our strength at the table.
In solidarity,
Your Graduate Student Employee Bargaining Team:
Jackson Ham
Luke Saville
Tyler Stewart
Rachel Stark (PSAC Representative)
Silja Freitag (PSAC Researcher)
John Eustace (PSAC Negotiator)